Thursday, October 18, 2012

quadcopter testing

With the wooden frame and no payload:

Plywood frame, about 650g, total flying weight 2160g.
8 mins flying time.

With 1240g payload, total weight 3400g, 4mins 26secs flying time.

I've found that I wasn't charging the battery fully. With my charger, I need to set it charging three times. A few minutes through the third time, it tells me it is full.

Quadcopter first flights

I built a 150g carbon fiber and plastic frame, but it broke on my first flight.
 So I made a frame from 12mm plywood, weighing 600g, plus a cardboard box taped to the bottom, as a shock absorber. I have had some fun learning to fly this; it's not so hard as I don't need to touch the yaw control, so I just have throttle, roll and pitch to worry about, like on my plane. I only got 8 minutes flying time from it.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I made some homemade wing tips. They definitely fix the yaw oscillations, but maybe dangerous?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Morning Flight

I did a quick flight from mum and dad's patio over the mist in the valley, this morning.