Monday, November 26, 2012

I got my plane back.

Three days ago, I sent my plane on a 10km mission to the local town and back. It didn't come back. After hours of searching along it's flight path, we found it in the woods. For 2 days we tried everything to get it down. Today, we went with ladders ( again ) and a windsurfer mast and fishing rods, but the plane had jumped out of the tree by itself. I'm hoping the electronics will dry out ok. Thanks to John for seeing the plane in the tree.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

plane with autopilot

I have tried the autopilot, that I got for the quadcopter, in my plane. Here is a successful 5km flight that it did on Sunday. The height above sea-level was pretty much constant, but I was hoping that the height above the ground would be constant! The top picture is the height above sea level. The bottom picture is the heights of the waypoints above sea level.